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TOPIC: Methane Gas

Methane gas Properties supply us with the options that will be desperately needed in the aftertime, and it is Cost Effective! Methane gas Production can be a substitute for Propane, by using a Gas-Bag collector, a Check Valve prior to compression into Liquid form. Instructions on how to Distill and Collect methane are available. Actually there are multiple methane gas Uses for the aftertime consumer, but Safety measures should be considered as it is Explosive. The USGS offers information, and an Experiment can be constructed. Methane Gas as a Renewable Energy source collected from Livestock, Manure, Sewage, Kudzu and many other Fuel Sources speak to the popular appeal that methane gas has to those interested in self sufficiency, but the Collection Cost is still high and methane is best used as a Supplemental source of energy.