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Votecall on Bookkeeping Service

One issue under discussion during the September meeting was inserting a fiscal control into Article 9 of the Bylaws such that a bonded bookkeeping service would be hired to disburse any grant over $5,000. Due to lack of a quorum, we conducted a votecall by e-mail. Our Secretary, Shirley, has reported the results of the Votecall.

On September 22th, the date of our last Board meeting, we did not have a quorum and therefore could not bote on the agenda issues. So the President, Nancy, suggested that motions be made and seconded, and votes on these motions be taken via email, and this was done. On September 22nd, Clipper made a motion, as follows: "I make a motion to hire a bookkeeping service to disburse any grant of $5,000 or more." This motion was seconded by Shirley. Board members voting on this issue were Nancy, Clipper, Gerard, Jan, Lyn, and Shirley. Results: carried unanimously.