Welcome, this is the start of the story of the video as I see it.

Start with newsfootages of disasters from the 1990s. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floodings, tidal waves, tornadoes, typhoons, snowstorms in the desert, record breaking temperatures (like the record breaking high every year up to now), record breaking rainfalls, droughts, crop shortages.


This above is for attention grabbing through showing short footages already familiar to most, thi sis for an impression (yeah, something is definitely going on, and it is getting worse - Mitch footage as latest impression). The total impression can be made within the first 30 seconds, leaving the following 5-10 seconds to fade into the next - fade into next -

source: news agencies
min 35 seconds
max 40 seconds


The following is to ask questions, without giving the answer. A way to keep people interested is to ask questions that are hard to answer, and then - in between lines - hinting a promise of the answer, so people stay tuned. This must ot take too long, question something and support it with sound, narrative and visual footage and animation (entertains too - this is the SHOW part), and then give the answer. This may occur within 1 minute, where the first 20-30 seconds are used to ask question, the following 10-20 seconds are used to SHOW and graduate towards an answer (which may be offered in the form of a question), 1.30 minutes can be taken, too, if the time is available.

Eventually through this means of presenting what we want we enable ourselves to state that there have been pole shifts in our earth's past, THEN we can make the claim that there will be a pole shift in 2003 and by relating current signs heralding planet x' aproach with what we have told about our past (mammoths, Jewish Exodus, ice age, whales in mountains etc.). THEN we end the video by showing that people can prepare, there is time to do so, ending that last chapter with the url of the TT website --


Frozen mammoths found in 1797 with evidence of sudden death due to suffocation. Support the 'sudden' bit with the red blood corpuscels in the skin and the undigested plant bits found in their stomach and in between their teeth.

<= Can make one myself

Pose question, what could have caused this sudden death?

<= mammoths in glacial climate

Images/animations of mammoths (glacial planes) and mastodons (forest dwellers) of where they lived, that they died by hunting and (here inserted lead to the answer) suddenly by suffocation by gasses or water (followed by rapid climate change).

<= mammoths in tropical climate

Present the following: It looks as if the land had shifted to another place on earth and ended up in another climatic zone. (*1.00-1.30 minutes)

source: Immanuel Velikovsky
min 35 seconds +*= 1.35 minutes
max 40 seconds +*= 2.10 minutes

<= hunting finished the thinned out numbers

In 2a. we have left the viewer with the unstated but still present question of: What might cause land to shift to another place on earth, letting it end up in another climatic zone? At this point, also, we have made a relationship between the extinction of the mastodons and mommoths and the climatic changes, weather changes and land shifting to another climatic zone in our earth's past.

In 2b. it's our duty to expand on this unanswered question, and not only for the sake of keeping a natural flow in the unfolding story, but also for the sake of clarity (otherwise we will loose a lot of viewers at the following '2b.' point because they are unable to follow the story). -


Sea and Land Changed Places (Paris etc.)
source: Immanuel Velikovsky, pages 14, 74, and 180


Whales in the Mountains
source: Immanuel Velikovsky, pages 46-49


Times and Dates
source: Immanuel Velikovsky, pages 202-203

I think it wise to add information from the Bible at this point and the Mayan Calender.


Move into the final stage, showing what might be causing the current weather changes etc. Signs. Planet X - 1983 discovery, covered up.


End with URL of Troubled Times.