Contact Information

If you or anyone that you know is interested in building a biosphere of the type presented on this website, regardless of its size, whether it be for experimental purposes or for habitation, or both, contact me, Kurt Haberman, President of Slide Lock Systems of Wisconsin, Inc., and I would gladly be willing to act as a consultant for a project to the fullest extent of my capacity, because what I want most of all is to see a biodome of this type realized for the security of humanity.

In any case, I can be reached by several avenues, but some are better than others. Reach me by email at

Serious investors are invited to download my Business Plan.

With all sincerity, then, thank you for taking an interest in this website. It is people like you that are the roots of change in our world. Together, let’s just hope that our collective efforts towards this change will actually come to fruition in our time.

Kurt Evan Haberman,
Inventor and President,
Slide Lock Systems of Wisconsin, Inc.